Stone Point Capital, a Connecticut-based private equity firm, has invested in South Carolina-based medical stop-loss captive platform, ClearPoint Health. The investment aims to enable more affordable health insurance benefits for small to mid-sized employers. The platform partners with health benefit advisors that can offer customisable captive solutions and underwriting services to their small and mid-sized employer customers. ClearPoint’s expansion in the medical stop-loss marketplace comes amid expansion of the global captives market. Jeb Dunkelberger, founder and CEO of ClearPoint Health, says: ““Employer health insurance expenses will only stop growing when we create a ‘win-win-win’ for employers, clinical providers, and carriers – the ClearPoint platform enables this, yielding not only affordability but sustainability.” Chuck Davis, CEO of Stone Point Capital, adds: “Partnering with the ClearPoint team represents an opportunity to leverage our experience in the space to help provide scalable, sustainable solutions for employers and benefit advisors across the country.”