Artex Risk Solutions has appointed Suzanne Sadlier as managing director of its Cayman operations. The alternative risk management firm provides feasibility studies, domicile selection, corporate services and legacy solutions across single-parent, group, cell and employee benefit captives. Sadlier previously served at the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) for more than seven years, most recently as head of its onsite inspections unit. Before this, she held the position of deputy head of insurance between June 2017 and February 2021. Sadlier began her tenure at CIMA as a reinsurance specialist. Sadlier also previously served as reinsurance supervisor at the Central Bank of Ireland, where she was responsible for the supervision and financial analysis of reinsurance undertakings, as well as assessing the compliance of reinsurance companies, and evaluating Solvency II internal models, strategy, reserving and product design. Sadlier began her career as assistant underwriter at Mitsui Sumitomo Reinsurance Ltd, where she worked in the underwriting and quoting of pro-rata and excess of loss treaty business for European and African clients across several lines of business.