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Stake your reputation

Nir Kossovsky, Denise Williamee and Peter Gerken of Steel City Re discuss the development of reputational risk, including current trends, how a captive can provide cover, and the specific challenges in insuring this risk

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Social benefit: a new goal for captives?

Fresh from the first successful home being repaired using the crumbling foundations funds, doubt clouds over the CFSIC as funding falls far from what is needed to renovate all remaining homes facing the crisis

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Innovation, Innovation, Innovation

In a congested US captive market, Connecticut is looking to focus on innovation to separate itself from the field

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The largest captive ever formed? An update on ‘crumbling foundations’

The captive created to distribute funds to help homeowners impacted by the ‘crumbling foundations’ issue began accepting applications on 10 January

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Fixing the cracks

An innovative new captive in Connecticut is helping residents save their homes and may boost the industry’s reputation in the process

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Running into problems

Stephanie Mocatta and Thomas Hodson of SOBC Sandell discuss why companies end up in run-off and how the firm can help

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Pick of the mix

As 2012 licensing figures roll in, CIT looks at what some of the big guns are offering and what the new kids on the block are bringing to the industry

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