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Finding it taxing

Insurance tax professionals discuss the current tax and regulatory landscape of the captive industry, including the OECD’s BEPS plan and IRS scrutiny of micro captives

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Relocation, relocation, relocation

Industry experts discuss why companies are choosing to redomesticate their captives and the opportunities it provides them

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The letter in question

Phil Karter, Scot Kirkpatrick and Patrick McCann of Chamberlain Hrdlicka discuss the IRS’ letter, which raises more questions about captive audits in an already certain time

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IRS’ decision under the pandemic magnifying glass

Ryan Work of SIIA discusses the IRS’ ‘ill-timed’ letter to captive insurance companies and the future of business risk as many US states started to institute stay at home orders

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The battle goes on

As the IRS’ battle against micro-captives continues, industry experts discuss the latest settlement offer made by the IRS and what its next move could be

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To self-insure or not to self-insure? That is the question

Philip Karter, Scot Kirkpatrick and Christopher Steele, attorneys at Chamberlain Hrdlicka, discuss the landscape of the micro captive market and whether the IRS doth protest too much

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Full steam ahead

Senior insurance executives give their predictions for the captive insurance industry in 2018

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They’re more like guidelines anyway

Unscrupulous micro captive managers and their motley crews might have walked their last plank following the ruling in the good ship Avrahami. Becky Butcher reports

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