How is Guernsey maintaining its position as Europe’s top dog? CIT asks two experts on the ground, who discuss competition, ILS and Solvency II
Zurich’s Veronique Méautte-Evans puts forward the case for reinsurance captives to CIT
CIT talks to Pierre Sonigo of FERMA ahead of the federation’s upcoming forum to talk risk management, agendas and helping new recruits
CIT catches up with Siew Wai Wan of Fitch Ratings to dig a little deeper into the firm’s recent reinsurance discoveries
Mark Koogler of Porter Wright Morris & Arthur tells CIT about Ohio’s intentions to enter captive insurance and what it still needs to do to get there
Derek Patience and Donna Weber of Marsh put forward a case to CIT for choosing a protected cell company over a single parent captive
CIT hears from SRS president and CEO Brady Young, who charts the captive management and consultancy firm’s progress since its split from Credit Suisse
CIT catches up with the VCIA’s president to discuss the latest industry happenings and what we can expect from the association’s annual conference