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Jason Luckett
Actuarial analyst
SIGMA Actuarial Consulting Group
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Personal bio: I was born and raised in Nashville, Tennessee. I’m passionate about spending time outdoors.Tennessee has an abundance of state parks in which I enjoy hiking, spelunking, and rock climbing. I also enjoy watching and playing sports (soccer is my favourite), as well as gaming and reading.

Tennessee has an abundance of state parks in which I enjoy hiking, spelunking, and rock climbing. I also enjoy watching and playing sports (soccer is my favourite), as well as gaming and reading.

Professional profile: I graduated from Middle Jason Luckett Actuarial analyst SIGMA Actuarial Consulting Group How did you end up in the captive industry? Tennessee State University (MTSU) with a bachelor’s degree in mathematics with a concentration in actuarial science. During my f inal semester at MTSU I began an internship with SIGMA and shortly after graduating, I joined the team full time. My current role is as an actuarial analyst.

My primary areas of expertise involve the calculation of current and/or future liabilities for property and casualty coverages for selfinsurers, large deductible programmes, and captives across a range of industries. I am currently pursuing an associateship with the Casualty Actuarial Society and am halfway through the required testing.

How did you end up in the captive industry?

I was first introduced to SIGMA while I was studying mathematics and insurance at MTSU. One of my first projects at SIGMA was a reserve analysis used to support year-end financial reporting for a Tennessee domiciled captive. As my career at SIGMA continued I began completing similar analyses for other captives.

I now work with several different captives in multiple domiciles such as Tennessee, Montana, and Vermont.

What has been your highlight in the captive industry so far?

My highlight in the captive industry to this point in my career would be the work I completed on an actuarial loss projection used as input into the captive feasibility analysis used in the formation of a Montana-domiciled captive. I take pride in having been a part of the formation of this captive from the ground up and hope to continue analysis and support of it for many years to come.

What/who have been your influences in the captive industry?

My colleagues have provided the biggest influence for me so far. Everyone at SIGMA has encouraged and challenged me with opportunities to become involved in new projects throughout my time here.

My co-workers have always been patient in answering my questions and have entrusted me with more responsibilities as I have gained experience working with captives.

What is your impression of the industry?

I believe that the captive industry will continue to grow and evolve throughout my career. As additional companies look to form captives to supplement and/or replace their commercial insurance, a lot of opportunities will be available for those working in the captive industry. Actuarial analytics will continue to be an important resource for those in the captive industry.

As an actuarial professional, I think it is crucial to stay up to date with the latest developments in the captive industry.

What are your aspirations for your career in the captive industry?

am currently completing the testing necessary to obtain an associateship with the Casualty Actuarial Society. In addition to obtaining an associateship, it will also be important that I have a thorough understanding of captive laws and regulations and that I obtain approval to complete actuarial work in the different domiciles that my clients work in. This will give me the ability to issue actuarial loss projections, reserve analyses, and statements of actuarial opinions for captive insurance companies. Each of these types of analytics is important resources for captive insurance companies.

It is paramount to me to form strong relationships with the domiciles and regulators that my clients are currently doing business with. However, in order to provide my clients with a comprehensive understanding of their options, I aspire to gain approval to work with as many domiciles as I can throughout my career. I know of 78 domiciles worldwide.

Currently, I have clients involved in several within the US. I would like for those numbers to grow throughout my career, and I would also like to gain some experience with domiciles outside of the US.

What advice do you have for someone considering a role in the industry?

For anyone considering a role within the captive industry, I would suggest that they take an opportunity if it presents itself. The industry is growing and evolving and there are going to be a lot of opportunities available for actuarial or other risk management professionals within the industry.

If you can stay up to date with the latest developments in the industry and seize any opportunities to be involved as they present themselves you will have a chance to be a part of something significant.
Lucky Lippa, president, at Lippa Insurance Services “Jason Luckett has provided consummate professional advice for my captive clients. His expertise and recommendations have been ‘spot on’ and have allowed (our now) common clients the actuarial analysis needed to fulfil our risk financing objectives. Equally important is service. He has been most responsive to various inquiries and provides the prompt service with all professionals promise. I highly recommend Jason to those involved in the captive insurance industry. His team player mentality will enhance efforts to provide solutions to risk financing.”
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