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As one of the largest captive insurance markets in the US, Vermont captive professionals outline plans to retain the state’s ‘gold standard’

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Luxembourg: The hidden gem of Europe

Luxembourg is home to Europe’s largest reinsurance market but over the years with several new compliance rules, the trend of consolidation and now the COVID-19 pandemic, can Luxembourg continue to stay on top?

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Captive insurance players in Connecticut discuss the importance of the state’s captive legislation amendments to continue positive economic benefits and growth

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Isle of Man

Located in the Irish sea, the Isle of Man is home to a big captive insurance market, with new insurance legislation on the cards, industry experts discuss how these as well as current trends and challenges are currently impacting its captive market

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Latin America

Latin America continues to be one of the world’s largest emerging markets, but with GDP growth on the cards, will the region’s captive insurance industry follow suit?

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North Carolina

North Carolina’s Debbie Walker discusses the protected cell captive insurance company structure in the state and its benefits

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Travis Wegkamp of Utah Insurance Department explains that the state is seeing larger companies move to the state with more robust risk management programmes, higher premium volume, and a long-term outlook for the use of their captive

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As a leader in the captive industry, Bermuda continued to see a year-on-year increase to its captive figures in 2019. Industry experts discuss current market trends, regulation and what to expect for this year

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