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Brit launches UK ILS mISPV
19 November 2018

Brit, the global specialty insurer and reinsurer, has launched a new multi-arrangement insurance purpose vehicle under the UK’s ILS regime, Sussex Capital UK

A.M. Best: Bermuda, Cayman & Barbados consistently strong in 2017
16 November 2018
New Jersey

A.M. Best-rated captive insurers in Bermuda, the Cayman Islands, and Barbados have had consistently strong operating results, continuing to outperform the US commercial market sector in 2017, according to a report by A.M. Best

Brexit withdrawal agreement unfortunate for insurance industry
16 November 2018

The UK Government’s draft Brexit withdrawal agreement is “unfortunate for the insurance industry” due to its focus on equivalence, according to Bob Haken, insurance partner at Norton Rose Fulbright

ECF: Cyber a peril not an insurance product
16 November 2018

Cyber should be viewed as a peril rather than just as an insurance product, according to Mark Camillo, AIG

ECF: Collaboration key to unlocking blockchain benefits
15 November 2018

Collaboration is key to unlocking benefits of blockchain technology, according to panellists at the 2018 European Captive Forum

ECF: Unlikely UK will move away from Solvency II requirements after Brexit
15 November 2018

UK regulations are unlikely to move away from the Solvency II requirements following Brexit, according to Adrien Collovray, associate director–international, captive consulting, Willis Towers Watson.

ECF: Solvency II has helped captives grow up
15 November 2018

Solvency II has given captive owners a deeper understanding of what their captives can do for them and resulted in many captives “growing up”, according to panellists at the 2018 European Captive Forum

CCIA 2018 Collaborative sets ‘innovation bar higher’
13 November 2018

CCIA 2018 Collaborative “set the innovation bar higher” with its focus on emerging technology and its unique cap-a-thon session, according to Steve DiCenso from the CCIA

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