As of 1 July 2015, Utah’s captive code will include language specifically addressing the use of LLCs as a type of captive formation, following its most recent legislative session...
Captive insurance vehicles are increasingly being used by businesses to provide cover for non-traditional risks with the number of captives doing so rising by 11 percent overall in 2014...
CICA has submitted a response to the IRS in objection to the proposed definition of “active conduct” in its Exception from Passive Income for Certain Foreign Companies...
The chief minister of Guernsey has welcomed support from European parliamentarians and the European Commission for the “positive contribution” the island makes to the European economy...
A.M. Best has revised the outlook to negative from stable and affirmed the financial strength rating of “A- (Excellent)” and the issuer credit rating of "a-" of RRRG, domiciled in Burlington, Vermont...
Average risk retention group (RRG) premium increased more than 10 percent during 2014, its highest growth rate in a decade, according to JLT Towner...
A.M. Best has assigned a financial strength rating of “A+ (Superior)” and an issuer credit rating of "aa" to Intercona Re AG. The outlook assigned to both ratings is stable...
Top-level executives have attended information sessions in Toronto and Calgary to hear the benefits of establishing captive insurance companies in Bermuda from a 20-strong delegation led by the BDA...