With recent tests and ongoing challenges over the past three years, the insurance-linked securities market remains resilient, according to a new Willis Towers Watson report on the ILS market
MAXIS GBN adds a captive dashboard into its OneClient portal, which will provide the latest quarterly data and enable more in-depth insight into the captive programme performance
Risk managers will be able to generate assessments of their company’s sites by region, country or peril to understand exposures and to implement risk management and risk transfer measures that match their needs
Pacific Life Re, who manage clients mortality, longevity, and morbidity risk, has completed a longevity swap transaction with the Trustee of the Prudential Staff Pension Scheme
The UK Government has revealed that the UK has granted Solvency II equivalence to the European Economic Area states, including the member states of the European Union
The transaction, which is expected to complete Q1 2021, represents the first investment from Cinven’s new financial services sector-focused strategy, which will be looking at similar long-term opportunities across Europe
John de Vial, director of membership and financial services at ABTA, explained that it’s not ABTA’s approach that has changed, it is the exposure represented by the trader
Aon has named Sam Sylvester as a senior property broker in the UK and Ireland and specialty casualty team of reinsurance solutions