The Cayman Islands have been “completely delisted” from the EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes due to “having delivered on their pending commitments"
Cayman International Insurance has cancelled the Cayman Captive Forum due to uncertainty around the COVID-19 pandemic, economic downturn, border closures, and current state of the hospitality industry on the island
The Cayman Islands Monetary Authority revealed that as of 31 March 2020 there were a total of 660 Class B, C and D insurance companies and 25 insurance managers under the supervision of the Division
Gareth van den Bergh has been hired as a senior account manager at Willis Towers Watson (WTW), based in the firm’s Cayman office
Lesley Thompson, who recently joined Willis Towers Watson, has agreed to take on the leadership of the Cayman office, subject to the requisite regulatory approvals
A.M. Best has affirmed the financial strength rating of A and the long-term issuer credit rating of “a” of Palms Insurance Company, Limited, located in George Town, Cayman Islands
Randall & Quilter Investment Holdings has acquired the entire issued share capital of ICI Insurance Company Limited from Imperial Chemical Industries
The Cayman Islands has been added to the European Council’s revised conclusions of the EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes