JLT Towner Insurance Management has licensed Isosceles Insurance Company, a sponsored cell captive, in Connecticut...
Branch captives are gaining interest as captives domiciled outside of the US seek to provide certain coverages, including employee benefits and terrorism insurance, for their owners’ US-based operations, according to JLT Towner...
Discipline is key to maintaining a captive, according to a panellist at the VCIS Annual Conference in Burlington...
Average risk retention group (RRG) premium increased more than 10 percent during 2014, its highest growth rate in a decade, according to JLT Towner...
Beverley Todd, executive vice president for international captive manager the JLTIM Bermuda operation, has relocated to Miami to help support the growth of its US-based captive insurance business...
A decrease in the number of risk retention groups (RRGs) in 2014 has not affected the financial strength of the segment, according to financial analysis firm Demotech...
JLT Towner Insurance Management has hired three new captive insurance and accounting professionals...
JLT Insurance Management (USA) has published an update on the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (TRIPRA), which is due to expire on 31 December...