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FERMA welcomes new member
29 May 2020
Reporter Maria Ward-Brennan

The Hellenic Association for Risk Managers has become a member of the Federation of European Risk Management Association, bringing its membership to a total of 22 national risk management associations in 21 European countries

FERMA calls on EU to create a resilience framework for catastrophic risks
27 May 2020
Reporter Maria Ward-Brennan

The Federation of European Risk Management Association has called on the European Commission to create an EU resilience framework for catastrophic risks to address the lack of coverage available for financial losses resulting from non-physical damage

FERMA launches taskforce to tackle business interruption risks
07 May 2020
Reporter Maddie Saghir

FERMA’s new taskforce is set to support the creation of economies that are resilient in the face of systemic and catastrophe risks

FERMA calls on the European Commission to learn from COVID-19
16 April 2020
Reporter Maria Ward-Brennan

The Federation of European Risk Management Associations has sent a letter to the European Commission urging them to use the COVID-19 pandemic as a lesson for any future pandemics by applying good risk management practices

FERMA: businesses need flexibility and partnership from insurers amid COVID-19 pandemic
08 April 2020
Reporter Maria Ward-Brennan

The Federation of European Risk Management Associations has called for enhanced understanding of the insurance needs of European businesses to help them get through the COVID-19 pandemic and recover afterwards

EIOPA delays Solvency II Review holistic impact assessment to June
19 March 2020
Reporter Maria Ward-Brennan

The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority will extend the deadline of the holistic impact assessment for the 2020 Solvency II Review by two months, to 1 June 2020

AMICE responds to EIOPA’s call for Solvency II review advice
17 January 2020
Reporter Maria Ward-Brennan

The AMICE has welcomed the overall success of Solvency II as a regulatory framework, and agrees with EIOPA's that this review should not result in a revolution, but in the adjustment of certain elements.

OECD publishes second phase of peer reviews of Action 13
06 September 2019
Reporter Maria Ward-Brennan

OECD has released the outcomes of the second phase of peer reviews of the BEPS Action 13 country-by-country

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