A new bill has been passed by the Georgia State Senate allowing insurers domiciled in the state to divide into multiple parts in order to separate themselves from unwanted exposures
The UK Government intends to amend the Reinsurance (Acts of Terrorism) Act 1993 to enable an extension of the cover provided by Pool Re, the government-backed terrorism reinsurer
Delaware has introduced a captive insurance bill which increases the authority of the State’s insurance commissioner
The IRS' ‘Dirty Dozen’ list of tax scams will have little impact on the captive industry, despite micro-captives appearing on the list for the fourth consecutive year, according to John Dies of alliantgroup
The Panama Ministry of Economy and Finance has withdrawn a proposal to change their captive insurance laws, according to Panamanian newspaper La Prensa
A new bill has been introduced into the Georgia House of Representatives that introduces sponsored captives, incorporated protected cell captives and dormant captives
The Kansas state government has submitted a bill to update and modernise captive insurance laws in the state