In his new role, Scheerer will bring a wealth of experience and expertise to bolster CAC Specialty’s presence in key sectors, such as private equity, real estate, construction and management liability.
She has more than 15 years of experience working with captives, and has expertise in risk management, financial services and financial analysis.
The platform extracts and normalises electronic health record data directly from the source, highlighting key points essential to underwriters and providing triage guidance.
In his new role, he will direct BMS Re’s operational expansion, from digital and technological capabilities to collaboration with its London and Bermuda offices.
Implied Cyber Threat (ICT) provides cyber risk insights and market context for more than 325 million organisations worldwide.
Under the act, premiums written above US$60 million will be taxed at a rate of 0.02 per cent, instead of the five per cent rate that applied previously.
In her new role, Morley will lead the growth and advancement of the AXIS offering in the professional liability market.
The upgrade reflects improved enterprise risk management practices, policies and procedures around Trisura’s risk management of US captive reinsurance contracts.