A.M. Best has placed under review with negative implications the financial strength ratings, issuer credit ratings and debt ratings of Anthem and its insurance subsidiaries...
A.M. Best has assigned a financial strength rating of “A- (Excellent)” and an issuer credit rating of "a-” to Radnor Specialty Insurance Company of Wayne, Pennsylvania...
A.M. Best has assigned a financial strength rating of “A- (Excellent)” and an issuer credit rating of "a-" to Fidelis Insurance Bermuda...
Standard & Poor’s has assigned IGI UK an “A-” financial strength rating and has affirmed its “A-” long-term counter-party credit and the insurer strength rating of its Bermuda-based parent, IGI Bermuda...
A.M. Best has affirmed the financial strength rating of “A (Excellent)” and the issuer credit rating of “a” of Sooner Insurance Company of Burlington, Vermont. The outlook for both ratings is stable...
A.M. Best has affirmed the financial strength rating of “A (Excellent)” and the issuer credit rating of “a” of The American Road Insurance Company...
A.M. Best has affirmed the financial strength rating of “A- (Excellent)” and the issuer credit rating of “a-” of Saturn Insurance of Burlington, Vermont...