Preparation for full implementation of the Affordable Care Act in 2014 and how to deal with the growing threat of cyber attacks are set to be hot topics at the National Risk Retention Association’s annual conference in Washington DC.
Sanford Elsass, chairman of the NRRA, said: “More than half of the 250 risk retention groups operating today are in healthcare, so we’ll devote major attention at the conference to the Affordable Care Act and its challenges to our industry.”
“With cyber security looming as an issue for companies of all sizes, the conference programme will include a major session on how to guard against cyber attacks and what to do in case of a breach,” added Elsass.
The conference will also feature NRRA’s Amicus programme to defend RRGs in the courts when challenged by states that restrict RRG operations in violation of the federal Liability Risk Retention Act that preempts most regulation of RRGs by states other than the state in which the RRG is licensed.
Joseph Deems, executive director of the NRRA, said: “The Amicus brief is an important tool in our arsenal. NRRA will provide the association’s legal experience and expertise in using this tool to support companies under attack.”
A host of other topics critical to RRG operations will be on the programme including contractual liability/stop loss; regulatory developments; outlook for the industry growth; reinsurance planning; and medicare/Medicaid RAC audits.
The annual NNRA conference will be held from 1-3 October at the Ritz Carlton-Pentagon City.