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07 May 2015
Washington DC
Reporter Stephen Durham

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DC conference to follow SIIA

The Captive Insurance Council of the District of Columbia (CICDC) has confirmed that its annual conference will feature multiple sessions with a specific District of Columbia (DC) focus, including an update from key Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking (DISB) regulators.

A case study presentation on how companies are making the most of DC's cell captive law will also be included, as well as a practical guide on how to redomesticate captives to DC from both onshore and off-shore domiciles.

Additional sessions will cover captive tax updates, innovative captive governance strategies, finding new ways for your captive to deliver value and risk retention group trends.

In March of this year, DC amended its Captive Insurance Company Act of 2004 in order to, among other things, strike any and all references to segregated accounts within the legislation.

Among other things, the amendments have also permitted the Commissioner of the DISB to extend or waive the requirement to conduct a financial examination of captive insurers every 5 years upon the satisfaction of specified criteria.

The CICDC conference will be held on the back of the Self-Insurance Institute of America National Conference & Expo, which is also to be held at the same venue.

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