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Image: Shutterstock

16 April 2013
Reporter Jenna Jones

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BP captive receives stellar ratings

A.M. Best has assigned the financial strength rating of “A- (Excellent)” and issuer credit rating of “a-” of Saturn Insurance. The outlook for both ratings is stable.

Saturn Insurance is a captive of global oil and gas giant, BP.

The ratings reflect Saturn's strong risk-adjusted capitalisation resulting from low risk retention and excellent group reinsurance support.

Saturn also profits from low investment risk as it maintains half of its investments in cash or short-term deposits. The ratings also factor in BP’s strength and commitment towards Saturn.

“Saturn benefits from low investment risk and has a very liquid portfolio. Half of its investments are held in cash or short-term deposits, and the other half is loaned back to BP with excellent liquidity conditions,” said a statement from A.M. Best.

Downward ratings actions could occur if there was a significant deterioration in Saturn’s risk-adjusted capitalisation linked to evidence of no financial support from its parent, BP.

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