Sinclair Risk & Financial Management has become a member of the Vermont Captive Insurance Association (VCIA).
Sinclair is an independent insurance agency in Connecticut with 60 employees at its headquarters in Wallingford and hub offices in Norwalk and Chester; Springfield, Massachusetts; and Naples, Florida.
“We built our reputation on providing clients with solutions that go beyond traditional insurance programmes,” said David Sinclair, president of Sinclair Risk & Financial Management.
“One such solution that makes sense for some companies and high net worth individuals is the establishment of a captive. We’ve invested a great deal of resources in developing our expertise in setting up captives.
"As a result, we’ve become an important resource within the industry and for our clients. Joining the VCIA allows us to affect change regarding legislation and keep our pulse on trends and key issues impacting this emerging industry,” said Sinclair.
An added statement from the firm said that it had has developed captives from scratch that are profitable for its clients and membership – from the beginning steps through the analytical stage through the issuance of coverage.