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Image: Shutterstock

30 July 2012
Reporter Mark Dugdale

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Captive Resources hits $1 billion

The consultant to member-owned group captives, Captive Resources, has seen its affiliated captives reach combined premium exceeding $1 billion.

Captive Resources creates and oversees 27 member-owned group captives, which collectively have more than 2500 member companies.

More than $220 million of new premium has also been added to its captives in the last 24 months.

George Rusu, the co-founder, chairman and CEO of Captive Resources, said: “In the very challenging economic climate of the past several years, Captive Resources’ group captive model has become increasingly popular as companies sought to tightly control expenses—a trend we see continuing.”

“The growth in our core business has enabled our continued expansion into new areas to meet the varied needs of our clients, including 831(b) captives and healthcare stop loss insurance, and will support additional strategic initiatives in the future,”

Rusu added that Captive Resource’s growth is partially attributable to an improving economy, which is enabling its members to begin to hire staff and expand their operations, and favourable credit markets, but most of the growth has come from the addition of new captive members.

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